Pratice Areas

What We Do

Family Law

We manage a wide variety of issues under the umbrella of Family and Marital Law which include elder law, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements, dissolution of marriage, child custody, paternity suits, and adoption. In the overall management of family wealth and business interests, prenuptial and postnuptial agreements are important tools which must be revisited from time to time in order to preserve their validity. Each agreement is a unique contract. We take into account the multifaceted details of the parties’ monetary and personal situations.

Our Family Law practice group strives to achieve the most efficient dissolution of a marriage. In complex property arrangements, we work closely with experts in real estate, business valuation and appraisal to determine property value and secure a fair division. Following divorce, if the judgment requires enforcement or modification in terms of alimony, child support, visitation rights, or other related issues, we search for any reasonable accommodation allowable under the law.

Personal Injury

Many Texas law firms claim to be personal injury lawyers. All it takes is a large advertising budget and a crew of inexperienced lawyers to sign up as many cases as possible and settle them quickly. Our legal team has obtained noteworthy results in a wide range of personal injury cases, including:

Premises liability, from slip-and-fall hazards to vicious dogs Defective products, including dangerous drugs and medical devices Car, truck and motorcycle accidents Construction site accidents such as falls from heights Oil field accidents, including pipeline explosions Nursing home neglect and abuse Sexual abuse or exploitation by those in positions of trust We excel in cases involving serious or catastrophic injury such as severe burns or electric shock injury, cervical and spinal cord injuries, amputations, crush injuries and traumatic brain injury. Because we develop relationships with clients and their family members, we are able to portray the physical, financial and emotional hardships in concrete and compelling terms to a jury or insurance company.

General Litigation

The term general litigation refers to litigation and all other aspects of law which may or may not be litigious in nature such as wills/estate planning, incorporating businesses, contract drafting, real-estate transactions, disputes with administrative bodies, and more. Typically however, litigation will transpire when things go wrong and the controversay ends up in a court setting. What is the Litigation Process?

1) Plaintiff sues; 2) Defendant Answers and/or brings a countersuit or drags another party in (amongst other actions); 3) Parties commence discovery; 4) Sometimes mediation or alternative dispute resolution; 5) Trial; 6) Appeals.
Lawsuits are initiated by filing what is called a Complaint. There are many other procedural requirements you need to follow to obtain jurisdiction over the other party. You need to have reason to sue and typically you will have to prove your elements to a judge or jury. Depending on where you sue and the amount in controversy you may or may not be able to get discovery (i.e., get evidence including interviews and documents of other people including the other party). There are oftentimes good faith defenses to bring such as the statute of limitations. If the case does not settle, then you may have the opportunity to issue discovery to get more information.

Any questions? Contact Us!